Tension release exercises.

Tension release exercises are another incredible hack into the central nervous system where we use simple movements, stretches a light stresses on the body to induce a tremor or shaking in the body. These neuromuscular tremors can release deep-rooted muscular tension and help regulate nervous system functions, specifically inducing a parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system responses. You may have seen animals shake or tremor to release stress and our nervous system functions in the same way. 

We specifically target the psoas muscle, the muscle that connects your upper body to your lower body and that inserts literally into the center of your spine, aka the central station for your nervous system. We practice this technique in the evening and marry it with light breathing as a way to prime the brain, body and nervous system for deep and restful sleep. This technique has been shown to help reduce anxiety, stress and the effects of PTSD. Increases sleep time and quality. It’s been shown to reduce pain, inflammation and swelling. Initial clinical trials are also showing great success with chronic illness like arthritis and fibromyalgia.

Would you like to learn more? Drop us a note and someone from our team will connect with you directly to answer any of your questions.