Mindset shift coaching.

In this program I will help you become a master of your most important asset, your mind. All high-achieving and joyous people have one thing in common, they have mastered their mindset. 

I will give you the tools to become a master of how you think. How you think affects literally every aspect of your life. How you think is responsible for how you feel, how you act, how you make decisions and how you interact with others. I will take you into the science of how your brain works and why so many of us feel like victims to the thoughts in our minds. 

I’ve distilled years of study in neuroscience, yoga, stoicism, buddhism and my own experimentation with meditation, breathwork, plant medicine and various therapies into an easy to understand roadmap of how to become a better, more positive thinker. I’ll teach you the tools that took me from burnt out, depressed and addicted to calm, present, positive and hyper-optimistic. 

What if I told you that your brain was programmable, like a computer? What if instead of letting your thoughts run your life, you could become masterful at creating an environment in your brain that the default was joy, love and positivity? This is 100% possible for anyone. Your brain mostly generates thoughts that are a reflection of your past while trying to create a predictable future. Fundamentally your brain is keeping you in survival mode and your body and nervous system simply follow along. Did you know that you experience around 50,000 thoughts a day, 80% of which are repetitive from the day before and 80% of those are negative or worrisome? 

Your brain loves the known, it feels safe there. But what if your known is a default of stress, envy, judgment, jealousy, anxiety, worry or fear? Did you know you can actually become addicted to the chemicals of stress and worry? If you’ve been firing the same neural pathways and producing the same chemical reactions in your body long enough, you can literally become addicted to the chemicals. That can mean that you only feel normal or even good, when you don’t feel good. 

So how do we create a new baseline?

We will begin by changing the way you start your day using my Mastering Morning Mindset system to help you identify the best way for you to start your day. This system is built to help you begin your day with science backed mindfulness activities that help bring you into balance and get you into a routine. You will begin to identify your mindset weaknesses and self limiting beliefs. 

Once we begin to understand how to program ourselves for success and win the morning we begin to create a sensitivity to when we get off the proper heading. Think of this as your mindset GPS. It can take some time to get out of old ways of thinking but once we start to prune away the thoughts and behaviors that aren’t working we learn how to get where we want to go much faster. Life stops feeling like such a struggle as we start to default towards presence, positivity and happiness.

Then we will dive into the energy and vibration of thoughts and look at the law of attraction and quantum entanglement. This might seem overwhelming or like pseudoscience but the energy our thoughts create is quite real and quite powerful. Your thoughts are literally influencing your biology, chemistry and physiology all the time! If I told you to close your eyes and visualize your favorite food, your salivary glands would begin to work, your stomach might start to churn and growl and all of a sudden your metabolism would kick into gear. Your body is subjective and is constantly listening to your mind, let’s use that to our advantage!

By understanding the basics of how your mind works and what thoughts are coming up, we can then dive into where your belief systems come from. Think of this as getting to roots. The conditioning in our minds begins from the moment we enter the world and when unchecked, can be running our lives for decades. We are experiential beings so we spend our formative years emulating those around us. Our parents and teachers, while likely well intentioned, cause us to adopt THEIR belief systems and morals. Our practices of meditation, breathwork and self study will teach you how to get to the root of these belief systems so you can realize which ones are not serving you. 

Once you become a master of how you think and how you feel, now the fun begins! You will start to notice that you have tons more energy and you are becoming a master attractor. Synchronicities will start showing up all over the place for you and you will no longer guess which path is the right one. You’ll have mastered your intuition, knowing when resistance means it is time to shift gears or a person, place or thing isn't a good fit for you. Imagine having a feedback mechanism that could tell you when you were headed in the right direction! Wouldn’t that be the ultimate superpower?!

Like any big change, parts of this will be challenging. As we progress along I will help you get very real with yourself about what’s going well and what needs to shift. At first, this can be very hard. Creating the initial change takes a lot of energy, like pushing a heavy ball that is sitting still. However once you get going, you create momentum and inertia to continue on with changes that become everlasting. I will be your biggest cheerleader and also an honest mirror for you. I know what this work feels like because I live it every day. I am constantly looking at ways to improve and my life’s work is devoted to the science of how people think and how they change.

By saying “yes” to this program you are also saying “no” — I’ll help you to build healthy boundaries with people and behaviors that you know in your heart of hearts do not serve you. 

If you are willing to put forth the effort, I can say with 100% certainty that this program will change your life. For the past 10 years I have been helping people do just that and I’ve become an expert in it. This is not a quick-fix, diet model that feels good for a bit and then leaves you back where you started. This is a systematic way to change yourself by changing your mind.

You can’t tell me you’re too young or too old, too sick or too poor, too far gone or too lost on where to start. I’ve worked with people of all ages and from some incredibly challenging starting points. I’m asking you to give me six weeks and your absolute best, no more, no less.

Would you like to learn more? Drop us a note and someone from our team will connect with you directly to answer any of your questions.